More about me and why this blog


In year 2001, a young prefect boy was sitting by the gate of a secondary school, allowing students whose name are to be recorded because of late coming to enter the school. A senior prefect came along one day, and my world was never the same from that day. It was the weirdest conversation you can find between a junior and a senior prefect. She sat beside me, and started telling me all about this guy called Jesus Christ, how He could heal people, how He lived a sinless life, teaching people, and most absurdly, walking on water. Silly though I was, that was something beyond my belief; still I agreed to go for a musical her church (eventually mine!) organized to find out more about what she was telling me. Before the actual day of musical, I was worshiping together with the casts.

I thank God for the many musically inclined friends He placed around me. In fact most of my friends that I am closed to are all musicians. He also made me with such a great passion for music! My first music theory was taught by my secondary school drum major, Khairunnisa, my best friend. Then subsequently in church, many seniors taught me how to play the guitar. Well, I wouldn't say that when I played the first chords on the guitar was to worship God, but as I progress and learn the instrument through worship songs, I grew in love, knowledge and ability in playing music.

Eventually through prayer, solitudes and studying of God's word, often other times my inspirations comes from friends, I learnt to express it in lyrics and tunes. I really thank God for giving me the gift of feeling music and poems, so much that when I read or write something, a tune seems to be attached to the words. Music has a way of amplifying the message.

I need to emphasise that I am not a professional, nor am seeking recognition or fame through this blog, but a sharing of the songs that I have written in hope of encouraging others through my experiences and inspirations. Each song is not a concoction of just poems and tunes, but my prayer and response to God. Please do not listen to the songs itself (for I don't reckon them as professionally melodious for appreciation) but do read the reasons and explanations of the songs.

Feel free to ask for the chords, just email or sms me for it.

Sing with me brother

18 March 2009 - Adam said the sinner's prayer.
10 April 2009 - Alson said the sinnier's prayer on his birthday. It was a good Friday.

A song to beckon fellow brothers to come celebrate for a return of a brother. In Luke 15, the women lights a lamp and swept the entire house for a lost coin; will not God also not rest till He finds that one lost brother?

Luke 15:4,10,32

"Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them.
Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country
and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?"

"In the same way, I tell you,
there is rejoicing
in the presence of the angels of God
over one sinner who repents."

"But we had to celebrate and be glad,
because this brother of yours
was dead and is alive again;
he was lost and is found"

Sing with me brother

The angels are singing
With your name in their lyrics
Cherubim are dancing
And the heaven rejoicing

Celebrate with me
For I’ve found my brother
Who was dead but now he lives
Was lost but now is found

For there’s much rejoicing in heaven
Over one sinner who repents
For God would not rest
Till He finds that lost sheep
And brings it back to the ninety nine

The angels are singing
With your name in their lyrics
Cherubim are dancing
And the heaven rejoicing

Celebrate with me
For I’ve found my brother
Who was dead but now he lives
Was lost but now is found
Come sing with me brothers!

Sing with me brother.mp3 -